Negative Pressure Waterproof Tanking Systems are a well proven waterproofing solution to render your structures resistant to water pressure and infiltration (in the case of basements, cellars and underground room). Negative Pressure Waterproof Tanking Systems are also used to keep water from leaking out of a building structures, swimming pools, water tanks or water reservoirs.
Negative Pressure Waterproof Tanking Systems is highly resistant to hydrostatic pressure when it is applied from the inside (pressure against your swimming pool structure, for example) or the outside (pressure from the outside against your building structure).
Negative Pressure Waterproof Tanking Systems works by blocking the capillary pore structure of the concrete surface to liquid water ingress while remaining permeable to water vapor ( which allows any entrapped moisture to escape and the structure to ‘breathe’). Penetrating into the pores of the substrate, our waterproof tanking product will become one with your structure (and cannot be pushed off by water pressure).
The Negative Pressure Waterproof Tanking Systems does not add heavy weight and additional thickness to your existing structure (3mm) while proving extremely resistant to high hydrostatic pressure.
A complete waterproof and tanking system, Negative Pressure Waterproof Tanking Systems can be covered with a decorative paint or tiling (in swimming pools, for example) or the waterproofing tanking product can be left as is (when applied in water reservoirs , for example).
Negative Pressure Waterproof Tanking System is a cement based waterproof tanking system consisting of hydraulic binders (cement powder, aggregates and chemical additives) and resins in dispersion. Negative Pressure Waterproof Tanking System is a non-toxic, waterproof coating highly resistant to abrasion and erosion.
Tanking in existing structures is applied internally (the inner walls of basements or swimming pools) and its performance will depend on the strength of its bond to the surface. Negative Pressure Waterproof Tanking System provides a waterproof coating which adheres perfectly to damp surfaces, cement and fresh mortar.
Negative Pressure Waterproof Tanking Systems protects:
* Old and new masonry exteriors (elevated, underground or immerged)
* Cement works subject to salt such as parapets, bridge piles, concrete guide rails, gutters, sidewalks, pavements,
* maritime wharfs and all Civil Engineering works
* Exterior protection of water reservoirs and agricultural silos
* Waterproofs tunnels, pits, galleries, collecting troughs
Negative Pressure Waterproof Tanking Systems waterproofs:
> basements, cellars, below-grade construction
> pools, basins, ponds, water treatment plants
> concrete constructions, wall to foundation construction joints
> top of foundation walls garage walls
> parking lot structures
> tunnels, tanks, galleries, sewage pipes
> water reservoirs (interior coatings resistant to counter pressure)
> water towers, water purification plants