Remedial Repairs Concrete Repairs

Do you have a damp, musty smelling room or need water damage repairs 

neg pressure basement

Its probably damp  coming through your walls of floor and is in need of some remedial repair

salt deposits

A mildew odour is not only unpleasant for you and your guests, but can also indicate mould growth, which can have a negative and lasting impact on your health. Musty smells usually indicate that moisture has settled from water damage and is indeed of  remedial repairs or possible concrete repairs . This article will explain the four best ways to oust mildew odours from your home quickly and easily and achieve  a pleasant and healthy environment.

1) Find the Source of the Smell

In order to fully remove an odour, you must find the source of the water damage . While it’s sometimes easy to find the source of musty odours,  other times is not as easy to identify. Mould can gather almost anywhere in your home, from your carpets and furniture, to mattresses and wood panelling and is in need of a full remedial repair, full concrete repair or  full water damage repairs.

neg pressure peeling paint

To locate the smell:

  • Move around the room where you smell the mildew and carefully sniff each area until you are certain where the smell is coming from—don’t forget to check the water damage  floors and walls that need repairing
  • Remember, while perfumed room sprays may mask the odour, the only way to ensure the smell does not return is to thoroughly search your home for its source and consider a full waterproofing remedial repair
  • If you are still unsure as to its location, consider calling Sentinel Waterproofing 0411442639

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Remedial Repairs Concrete Repairs

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